ECE 5320/6322  Lecture Notes, Portfolio Questions, Labs

 This schedule may be adjusted throughout the semester. Watch the web for changes.

Portfolios are due at 6pm on Wednesdays in the homework lockers at the top of the stairs by the ECE lockers.

Solution manuals will be available in the library on reserve and the ECE office.  Homework is checked for COMPLETENESS, not CORRECTNESS.  You should check yourself, to be sure you did it right. 

If you miss class, please check the web page (below).  Also check the main web page for any changes announced in class that you might have missed.


Lecture #


HTML file (if you want *.doc, change the extension in your browser)

Text Section

Other Information

Portfolio Questions





Aug. 23








Introduction to course and Review Transmission Lines


 Your ECE3300 Text, Chapter 2, also available at

 Read the Overview of the Lab >>>

Chapter 2 Problems 1,2,4,6,7 






 Field Analysis of TL



How do you calculate the RLGC parameters for a transmission line configuration that isn't in the standard table?

Chapter 2, problem 5.



Aug 30

Reflections , Standing Waves, Quarter Wave transformer


 Computer Demo 


ECE 6322 students:  Write a program (in Matlab or other) that shows the standing wave moving on a transmission line.  Do this by converting eqn 2.36a to the time domain, calculate V(z,t), and plot it with z as the fixed axis, in a “FOR” loop incrementing “time”. 

For information on creating a movie in matlab, see (click tutorials).

If you have a laptop, please bring the simulation to class next Wednesday.  If not, please just email me the code or executable. 



Sept 1


Transients on Transmission Lines


 See ECE3300 Lecture 9





Sept. 4

Labor Day






Sept. 6

Smith Charts

Single Stub Matching

Single Stub Matching With Equal or Unequal Impedances



 See ECE3300 Lecture 11

This includes Smith Charts to download, Smith Chart online and hardcopy tutorials, plus TLINE software that “does” Smith Charts step by step for you.

Article on how to create and use a Smith Chart

Cookbook and Examples (Single stub w/ equal and unequal impedances, and Double Stub)


How do you design a single stub matching network with unequal impedances?

Demonstrate your method with at least one example, and check your results using TLINE.




More practice with Single stub matching



No extra portfolio today






Double Stub Matching


 Use TLINE software from site above for examples.

See Cookbook above.


 How do you design a double stub matching network ?

Demonstrate your method with at least one example, and check your results using TLINE.





Lossy Transmission Lines

Lossy Line Example.Smith Chart.pdf

Coaxial Lines and Connectors




Microwave & RF Cable Assemblies.pdf

Interconnects and Packaging

Microstrip Line Structures.pdf

Flexible Coaxial Cable.pdf

Lossy Line Analysis.pdf

Types of Connectors








Impedance and Multiport Networks


 Impedance Transformation

Explain the concept of "impedance" as it relates to microwave transmission lines and waveguides.




Z and S Matrices



 Describe Z and S matrices, how to compute them, and how to convert between them.

Chapter 4, Problems 7,9




S Parameters

ABCD Parameters and TRL Calibration


 Review of ABCD

Example on Connector Characterization

 Describe and Compute S-Parameters

Chapter 4, Problems 10,11




Broad Band Tuning



 How do you design a broad-band matching network?




Lumped Element Networks


 Examples done by students in class

L (a  b) Pi T



Reference material

L Network Cookbook

 How do you design a 2-element Lumped element network?


Lab 1 -- Intro to Hardware and Software




Dr. Furse out of town, no class






Sept 29

Dr. Furse out of town, no class






Oct 2








Oct 4

 3-Element Lumped Element Networks


 See Cookbook Above


 How do you design a 3-element lumped element network?



Oct 6

No Class, Fall Break






Oct 9



Review– See Class Exam Link for Old Exams




 Lab 2 – Antenna and Matching


Oct. 11



Midterm I










Power Dividers and Couplers

Power Dividers and Couplers 2



 Couplers information

 How do you design a T-juction power divider? What is a circulator, and what does it do?

Design a T Junction Power Divider for the Lab using ADS.







Wilkinson Power Divider



 How do you design a Wilkinson Power Divider?

Design a Wilkinson Power Divider for the Lab using ADS.



Oct. 18

 Quadrature Coupler


 Electronic Reserve lecture 17


 What is a quadrature coupler and how does it work?

Design a Quadrature Coupler that can be used as a Power Divider for the Lab using ADS.






Coupling & Cross Talk

Coupled Line Analysis


Application of this material:

Advanced Coupling Matrix

Coupled Striplines

Cross Talk on Transmission LInes

High Speed Digital Design issues

Research applications:

Characterization of ps pulses

Multilayer MMIC Directional Couplers

Understanding Directional Couplers

What is cross talk?  What causes it?  How do you maximize, minimize it? 

Given a pair of coupled lines, what signals do you receive from the forward and reverse cross talk? 

How do you design a coupled line coupler?



Oct. 23

Lumped Element Filter Design

Filter Design Cookbook

 8.3, 8.4

Handout in

 Electronic Reserve lecture 19

Filter Design reference

CAD approach

Design Fab and Testing

Research application: Interdigital Design

How do you design a binomial or chebyshev filter (include Zo, wc not equal to 1)?

Lab 3: Couplers



Oct 25

Coupled Line Filters

 Electronic Reserve lecture 20

Wiggly Line Filters

See lecture notes



Oct 27

Microwave Mania Day at the U!!!



Join us for not one but TWO Distinguished IEEE Lecturers from the Microwave Theory and Techniques Society.  Click here for details of times and locations of these events.



Oct. 27

Doug Rytting in class, Making Network analyzer and spectrum analyzer measurements.






Oct. 30

Stub Filter Design




 Matlab Filrer Design (stub filters)

 How do you design a stub-type microwave LP filter?

 Lab 4 – Diode Detector (Not covered in lecture, plan on extra time for prelab)




Nov 1

Stepped Impedance Filter Design



How do you design a stepped-impedance microwave LP filter?





Nov 3







Nov. 6

Midterm II




Lab 5 -- Filters


Nov. 8

 VCOs /Mixers



 What are VCOs and mixers, and what do they do?



Nov. 10

Amplifier Design



No Portfolio, Do PreLab



Nov. 13



 High Speed Design, CH5

 Proper Grounding is Critical

Study of the Influence of Grounding

 No portfolio (read handout)

 Lab 6 -- Amplifier



Nov 15

TEM / TE / TM waves



 What are TEM, TE, and TM waves?

Do Chapter 3, Problem 1




Nov 17

Rectangular Waveguides



 Chapter 3, Problem 3 (See Appendix I) and Derive the TM modes of a rectangular waveguide following the methods described here for TE modes.



Nov 20

Circular Waveguides

Field Patterns

Bessel functions




 No portfolio



Nov 22-24

No class (lab work time) Thanksgiving Break






Nov 27

Waveguide Feeds /Aperture Coupling



 No portfolio



Nov 29




   No portfolio



Dec 1

No Class, finish lab






Dec 4







Dec 6

Midterm III






Dec 8 (Reading day)







Wed, December 13

10:30 am – 12:30 pm


Final Exam