Recent publications of Kenneth S. Stevens
Kenneth S. Stevens
University of Utah
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Salt Lake City UT
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Publication List:
(All documents are in pdf format)
Sumanth Kolluru and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Behavioral Simulation of Relative Timed Asynchronous Circuits.
In IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC),
pp. 1-6, October 2024.
Baudouin Chauviere and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Voltage Stacking: A First-Order Modelization of an m X n Asynchronous Array for Chip and Architectural Design Exploration.
In the Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications,
Vol. 14, No. 3, Article 44, pp. 1--16, August 2024.
Mackenzie J. Wibbels, Baudouin Chauviere, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Cyclic Timing Path Evaluation Using Commercial Static Timing Analysis Algorithms.
In the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems,
pp. 60--70, July 2023.
Venkata Nori, Baudouin Chauviere, Mackenzie J. Wibbels, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
A Novel Asynchronous Network-On-Chip Based on Source Asynchronous Signaling.
In the 28th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems,
pp. 71--77, July 2023.
Mackenzie J. Wibbels and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Causal Path Identification for Timed and Sequential Circuits.
In IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems,
Vol. 41, No. 3, pp. 571--582, March 2022.
Tannu Sharma, Sumanth Kolluru, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Learning Based Timing Closure on Relative Timed Designs.
In VLSI-SoC: Design Trends, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technologies,
Vol 621, July 2021.
Tannu Sharma and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Automatic Timing Closure for Relative Timed Designs.
In the 28th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC),
pp. 82-87, October 2020.
Lincoln S. Stevens, Mackenzie J. Wibbels, Valerie Wilkinson, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Reducing Energy Consumption and Decentralizing Computing through Heat Redistribution.
In the 26th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC),
pp. 65-66, May 2020.
Guillermo H. Makar and Francisco J. Badenas and Roberto G. Simone and Alehandro Furfaro and Kenneth S. Stevens and Roberto Suaya.
Low Power SPI Design Based on Relative Timing Techniques.
In the 26th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems (ICECS),
pp. 166-169, November 2019.
Mackenzie J. Wibbels and Shomit Das and Dheeraj Singh Takur and Vankata Nori and Kenneth S. Stevens.
A Transmission Line Enabled Deadlock Free Toroidal Network-on-Chip using Asynchronous Handshake Protocols.
In the 25th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC),
pp. 36-45, May 2019.
Tannu Sharma and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Physical Design Variation in Relative Timed Asynchronous Circuits.
In the IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI),
pp. 278-283, July 2017.
Dipanjan Bhadra and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Design of a Low Power, Relative Timing based Asynchronous MSP430 Microprocessor.
In Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE),
pp. 794-799, May 2017.
Jotham Vaddaboina Manoranjan, Solomon Surya Tej Mano Sajjan, Vivek B. Gujari, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Design of a Multi-Style and Multi-Frequency FPGA.
In the IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC),
pp. 1-6, September 2016.
Jotham Vaddaboina Manoranjan and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Reconfigurable Circuit for Implementation of Family of 4-phase Latch Protocols.
In the 26th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (FPL),
pp. 1-4, September 2016.
William Lee, Vikas S. Vij, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Timing Path-Driven Cycle Cutting for Sequential Controllers.
In the ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic
Systems (TODAES),
Vol. 21, No. 4, Article 64, pp. 1-25, September 2016
Jotham V. Manoranjan and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Qualifying Relative Timing Constraints for Asynchronous Circuits.
In the International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems,
pp. 91--98, May 2016
Shomit Das and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Comparison of Channel Protocols for Low Latency, Low Energy Communication over Transmission Lines.
In the TAU 2016 Workshop, pp.15-20, March 2016.
Tannu Sharma, William Lee, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Relative Placement in Timed Asynchronous Design.
In the TAU 2016 Workshop, pp.120-123, March 2016.
William Lee, Tannu Sharma, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Path Based Timing Validation for Timed Asynchronous Design.
In the International Conference on VLSI Design,
pp. 500-516, January 2016.
Jotham V. Manoranjan and Kenneth S. Stevens.
An A-FPGA Architecture for Relative Timing Based Asynchronous Designs.
In the International Conference on Reconfigurable Computing and FPGAs,
pp. 76-81, Dec. 2014.
Jotham V. Manoranjan and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Burst-Mode Asynchronous Controller Implementation on FPGA using Relative Timing.
In the IX Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL),
pp. 89-94, Nov. 2014.
Graham M. Birtwistle and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Modelling Mixed 4phase Pipelines: Structures and Patterns.
In the 20th International Symposium on
Asynchronous Circuits and Systems,
pp. 27-36, May 2014.
Vikas S. Vij, Raghu Prasad Gudla, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Interfacing Synchronous and Asynchronous Domains for Open Core Protocol.
20th International Conference on VLSI Design,
pp. 282-287, January 2014.
Vikas S. Vij and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Automatic Addition of Reset in Asynchronous Sequential Control Circuits.
In the IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC), pp. 374-379, October 2013.
Graham Birtwistle and Kenneth S. Stevens.
A Design Space and its Patterns: Modelling 2phase Asynchronous Pipelines.
In HOWARD-60: A Festschrift on the Occasion of
Howard Barringer's 60th Birthday.
Andrei Voronkov and Margarita
Korovina, editors, pp. 34-65, Easychair, 2014.
Krishnaji Desai, Kenneth S. Stevens, John O'Leary.
Symbolic Verification of Timed Asynchronous Hardware Protocols.
In the Annual Symposium on VLSI (ISVLSI),
pp. 147-152, August 2013.
Dipanjan Bhadra, Vikas S. Vij, and Kenneth S. Stevens
A Low Power UART Design Based on Asynchronous Techniques.
In the IEEE 56th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS),
pp. 21-24, August 2013.
Shomit Das, Vikas Vij, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
SAS: Source Asynchronous Signaling Protocol for Asynchronous Handshake Communication Free From Wire Delay Overhead.
In The International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems,
pp. 107-114, May 2013.
Shomit Das, Georgios Manetas, Kenneth S. Stevens, and Roberto Suaya.
Leveraging the geometric properties of on-chip transmission line structures to improve interconnect performance: A case study in 65nm.
In The International Symposium on Network-on-Chip (NOCS),
pp. 1-2, April 2013.
William Lee, Vikas S. Vij, Anthony R. Thatcher, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Design of Low Energy, High Performance Synchronous and Asynchronous 64-Point FFT.
In Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), pp. 242-247, March 2013.
Eliyah Kilada and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Design and Verification of Lazy and Hybrid Implementations of the SELF Protocol.
Book Chapter in VLSI-SoC: Forward-Looking Trends in IC and System Design, Editors: Jose L. Ayala, David Atienza and Ricardo Reis. Springer-Verlag New York, ISBN 9783642285653, February 2012.
Eliyah Kilada and Kenneth S. Stevens
Synchronous Elasticization at a Reduced Cost: Utilizing the Ultra Simple Fork and Controller Merging.
In the International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD), pp. 794-801, Nov. 2011.
Daniel Gebhardt, JunBok You, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Design of an Energy-Efficient Asynchronous NoC and its Optimization Tools for Heterogeneous SoCs.
In IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, Vol. 30, No. 9, pp. 1387-1399, September 2011.
Kenneth S. Stevens and Alexandre Yakovlev.
Selected papers from the 16th IEEE International Symposium on Asynchronous Circuits and Systems.
In The Institute of Engineering and Technology Computers and Digital Techniquies, Vol. 5, Issue 4, pp. 316-317, July 2011.
Daniel Gebhardt, JunBok You, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Link Pipelining Strategies for an Application-Specific Asynchronous NoC.
In International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS), pp. 185 - 192, May 2011.
Kenneth S. Stevens, Pankaj Golani, and Peter A. Beerel.
Energy and Performance Models for Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication.
In IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration, pp. 369 - 382, Vol. 19, No. 3, March 2011.
Daniel Gebhardt, JunBok You, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Link Pipelining for an Energy-Efficient Asynchronous Network-on-Chip.
In the Workshop on SoC Architecture, Accelerators and Workloads in conjunction with HPCA, 6 pages, Feb. 2011.
Junbok You, Daniel Gebhardt, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Bandwidth Optimization in Asynchronous NoCs by Customizing Link Wire Length.
In the International Conference on Computer Design,
pp. 455-461, October, 2010.
Eliyah Kilada, Shomit Das, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Synchronous Elasticization: Considerations for Correct Implementation and MiniMIPS Case Study.
In the International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SOC 2010.
pp. 7-12, September 2010.
Santosh N. Varanasi, Kenneth S. Stevens, and Graham Birtwistle.
Concurrency Reduction of Untimed Latch Protocols - Theory and Practice.
16th International Symposium on
Asynchronous Circuits and Systems,
pp. 26-37, May 2010.
Daniel Gebhardt, JunBok You, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Comparing Energy and Latency of Asynchronous and Synchronous NoCs for Embedded SoCs.
In the Fourth International Symposium on Networks-on-Chip (NOCS),
pp. 115-122, May 2010.
Krishnaji Desai and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Scalable Asynchronous Hardware Protocol Verification for Compositions with Relative Timing.
In the TAU 2010 Workshop,
March, 2010.
Eliyah Kilada and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Control Network Generator for Latency Insensitive Designs.
In Design, Automation, & Test Europe,
pp. 1773 - 1778, March 2010.
Yang Xu and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Automatic Synthesis of Computation Interference Constraints for Relative Timing Verification.
In 26th International Conference on Computer Design,
pp. 16-22, October, 2009.
HoSuk Han and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Clocked and Asynchronous FIFO Characterization and Comparison.
In 17th IFIP/IEEE International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration.
pp. 101-108, October, 2009
Kenneth S. Stevens, Daniel Gebhardt, Junbok You, Yang Xu, Vikas Vij, Shomit Das, and Krishnaji Desai
The Future of Formal Methods and GALS Design.
In Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
Vol. 245, No. 1, pages 115-134, August 2009.
Eric Quist, Peter Beerel, and Kenneth S. Stevens
Enhanced SDC Support for Relative Timing Designs.
In Digital Automation Conference, User Track Poster, July 2009.
Presentation can also be found on DAC web page:
David J. Barnhart, Tanya Vladimirova, Martin N. Sweeting, and Kenneth S. Stevens
Radiation Hardening by Design of Asynchronous Logic for Hostile Environments.
IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits, 44(5), May 2009.
Kenneth S. Stevens, Yang Xu, and Vikas Vij.
Characterization of Asynchronous Templates
for Integration into Clocked CAD Flows.
15th International Symposium on
Asynchronous Circuits and Systems,
pp. 151-161, May 2009.
Daniel Gebhardt and Kenneth S. Stevens
Power Reduction through Physical Placement of Asynchronous Routers.
3rd IEEE International Symposium on Network-on-Chip, page 92, May 2009.
Robert L. Ewing, Hoda S. Abdel-Aty-Zohdy, Michael C. Hollenbeck, Ronald W. Brower, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Fractional-Order Signal Processing using a Polymer-Electrolyte Transistor.
In the Proceedings of the Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems,
pages 601-604, Aug. 2008.
Michael C. Hollenbeck, Kenneth Stevens, Ronald Brower, Robert Ewing
and Hoda Abdel-Aty-Zohdy
Capacitive Ionic Current Measurement
in a Polymer-Electrolyte Transistor.
In Proceedings of the National Aerospace Electronics Conference,
pages 129-132, July, 2008.
Graham Birtwistle and Kenneth S. Stevens.
The Family of 4-phase Latch Protocols.
14th International Symposium on
Asynchronous Circuits and Systems,
pp. 71-82, April 2008.
Daniel Gebhardt, Junbok You, W. Scott Lee, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Network Simplicity for Latency Insensitive Cores.
2nd International Symposium on
Network-on-Chip, pp. 209-210, April 2008.
Michael C. Hollenbeck, Hoda Abdel-Aty-Zohdy, Ronald Brower, Robert Ewing, and Kenneth Stevens.
Hybrid Polymer-Electrolyte Transistors for Optical Computing.
In Proceedings of the Nanoscale Science and Engineering Conference, 2008.
Daniel Gebhardt and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Elastic Flow in an Application Specific Network-on-Chip.
In Elsevier Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
Vol. 200, No. 1, pages 3-15, February 2008.
Junbok You, Yang Xu, Hosuk Han, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Performance Evaluation of Elastic GALS Interfaces and Network Fabric.
In Elsevier Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
Vol. 200, No. 1, pages 17-32, February 2008.
M. C. Hollenbeck, H. Abdel-Aty-Zohdy, R. Brower, R. Ewing and K. Stevens.
Dynamic Response Characteristics of a Novel Electrolyte Transistor.
In Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference. Boston, MA.
pp. 19-24, October, 2007.
Krishna Santhanam and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Dynamic Gates with Hysteresis and Configurable Noise Tolerance.
In 15th Annual IFIP International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration, VLSI-SOC 2007.
pp. 184-189, October, 2007.
Mike Kishinevsky and Sandeep K. Shukla and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Guest Editors' Introduction: GALS Design and Validation".
In IEEE Design and Test of Computers, Vol. 24, Issue 5, pp. 414-416, Sept.-Oct. 2007.
Kenneth S. Stevens and Florentin Dartu.
Algorithms for MIS Vector Generation
and Pruning.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided
Design (ICCAD-06).
pp. 408-414, November 2006.
Sanjit A. Seshia, Randal E. Bryant, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Modeling and Verifying Circuits Using
Generalized Relative Timing.
In 11th International Symposium on
Asynchronous Circuits and Systems, March 2005, pp 98-108
Kenneth S. Stevens.
Energy and Performance Models for Clocked and
Asynchronous Communication.
In 9th International Symposium on Asynchronous
Circuits and Systems, May 2003, pp. 56-66.
Kenneth S. Stevens, Ran Ginosar, and Shai Rotem
Relative Timing.
In IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems,
11(1), Feb. 2003, pp. 129-140.
Ronald W. Brower and Kenneth S. Stevens
Congruent Weak Conformance, a Partial Order among Processes.
In Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (FORTE 2002),
D. Peled and M. Vardi (Editors), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2529,
Springer-Verlag, Nov. 2002, pp. 34-49.
H. Kim, P. A. Beerel, and K. S. Stevens.
Relative Timing Based Verification of Timed Circuits and Systems.
In 8th International Symposium on Asynchronous
Circuits and Systems, Apr. 2002, pp. 115-126.
J. Cortadella, M. Kishinevsky, S. M. Burns, A. Kondratyev,
L. Lavagno, K. S. Stevens, A. Taubin, and A. Yakovlev.
Lazy Transition Systems and Asynchronous Circuit Synthesis with
Relative Timing Assumptions.
In IEEE Transactions on CAD, 21(2), Feb. 2002, pp. 109-130.
Ronald W. Brower and Kenneth S. Stevens
Congruent Weak Conformance.
In the 44th IEEE Midwest Symposium of Circuits and
Systems (MWSCAS 2001), pp. 666-669, Aug. 2001.
K. S. Stevens, S. Rotem, R. Ginosar, P. Beerel, C. Myers, K. Yun,
R. Kol, C. Dike, and M. Roncken.
An Asynchronous Instruction Length Decoder.
In IEEE Journal of Solid State Circuits,
36(2), Feb. 2001, pp 217-228.
Susmita Sur-Kolay, Marly Roncken, Ken Stevens, Parimal Pal Chaudhuri,
and Rob Roy.
Fsimac: A Fault Simulator for Asynchronous Sequential Circuits.
In Proceedings of the 9th Asian Test Symposium (ATS2000),
pp. 114-119, Dec. 2000.
Marly Roncken, Ken Stevens, Rajesh Pendurkar, Shai Rotem, and
Parimal Pal Chaudhuri.
CA-BIST for Asynchronous Circuits: A Case Study on the RAPPID
Asynchronous Instruction Length Decoder.
In Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on
Advanced Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems
(ASYNC-2000), pp. 62-72, April 2000.
D. Barnhart, P. Duggan, B. Suter, C. Brothers and K. S. Stevens.
Total Ionizing Dose Characterization of a Commercially Fabricated
Asynchronous FFT for Space Applications.
In Journal of Radiation Effects, Research, and Engineering.
March 2000.
Jordi Cortadella, Michael Kishinevsky, Steven M. Burns,
and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Synthesis of Asynchronous Control Circuits with Automatically
Generated Relative Timing Assumptions.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Aided
Design (ICCAD-99).
pp. 324-331, November 1999.
K. S. Stevens, S. Rotem, S. M. Burns, J. Cortadella, R. Ginosar,
M. Kishinevsky, and M. Roncken.
CAD Directions for High Performance Asynchronous Circuits.
In Proceedings of the Digital Automation Conference (DAC99).
pp. 116-121, June 1999.
S. Rotem, K. S. Stevens, R. Ginosar, P. Beerel, C. Myers, K. Yun,
R. Kol, C. Dike, M. Roncken, and B. Agapiev.
RAPPID: An Asynchronous Instruction Length Decoder.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Advanced
Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC-99).
pp. 60-70, April 1999.
Received the Best Paper Award
Kenneth S. Stevens, Ran Ginosar, and Shai Rotem.
Relative Timing.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Advanced
Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC-99).
pp. 208-218, April 1999.
F. C. D. Young, K. S. Stevens, and R. P. Graham Jr.
Timed Logic Conformance and its Application.
In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Timing Issues
in the Specification and Synthesis of Digital Systems (TAU99).
pp. 95-100, March 1999.
Bruce W. Suter, Kenneth S. Stevens, Scott R. Velasques, and Truong Nguyen.
Multirate as a Hardware Paradigm.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP-99).
Vol. IV, pp. 1885-1888, March 1999.
Bruce W. Suter and Kenneth S. Stevens.
A Low Power, High Performance approach for Time-Frequency /
Time-Scale Computations.
In Proceedings of the Conference on Advanced Signal Processing
Algorithms, Architectures and Implementations VIII (SPIE-98).
Vol 3461, pp. 86-90, July 1998.
K. S. Stevens and B. W. Suter
A Mathematical Approach to a Low Power FFT Architecture .
In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Circuits and
Systems (ISCAS-98).
Vol II, pp. 21-24, June 1998.
B. W. Hunt, K. S. Stevens, B. W. Suter, and D. S. Gelosh.
A Single Chip Low Power Asynchronous Implementation of an FFT
Algorithm for Space Applications .
In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Advanced
Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC-98).
pp. 216-223, April 1998.
W. Chou, P. A. Beerel, R. Ginosar, R. Kol, C. J. Myers,
S. Rotem, K. S. Stevens, and K. Y. Yun.
Average-Case Optimized Technology Mapping of One-Hot Domino Circuits.
In Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Advanced
Research in Asynchronous Circuits and Systems (ASYNC-98).
pp. 80-91, April 1998.
B. W. Suter and K. S. Stevens
Low Power, High Performance FFT Design .
In Proceedings of IMACS World Congress on Scientific
Computation, Modeling, and Applied Mathematics.
Vol 1, pp. 99-104, July 1997.
Kenneth S. Stevens.
Practical Verification and Synthesis of Low Latency Asynchronous Systems.
PhD Thesis, University of Calgary, September 1994.
Bill Coates, Al Davis, and Ken Stevens.
The Post Office Experience: Designing a Large Asynchronous Chip.
Integration, the VLSI Journal, Vol 15, No 3, pp 341-366,
October 1993.
Ken Stevens, John Aldwinckle, Graham Birtwistle, and Ying Liu.
Designing Parallel Specifications in CCS.
In Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Vol II pp 983-986, September 1993.
Ying Liu, John Aldwinckle, Graham Birtwistle, and Ken Stevens.
Testing the Consequences of Specifications in the Modal-mu Calculus.
In Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering
Vol II pp 987-990, September 1993.
William S. Coates, Alan L. Davis, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
Automatic Synthesis of Fast Compact Self-Timed Control Circuits.
In Proceedings of the IFIP Working Conference on Asynchronous
Design Methodologies, April 1993.
Kenneth S. Stevens, Alan L. Davis, and William S. Coates.
The Post Office Experience: Designing a Large Asynchronous Chip.
In Proceedings of the 26th Hawaii International Conference on
System Sciences, Vol I pp 409-418, January 1993.
Kenneth S. Stevens.
Automatic Synthesis of Fast, Compact Self-Timed Control
University of Calgary Research Report No. 92/495/33,
December 1992.
Kenneth S. Stevens.
``Performance Analysis of Interconnection Networks for Highly
Replicated VLSI Multiprocessors''.
In Proceedings of the 1988 Banff VLSI Frontiers Workshop
J. M. Anderson, W. S. Coates, A. L. Davis, R. W. Hon,
I. N. Robinson, S. V Robison, and K. S. Stevens.
The Architecture of FAIM-1.
Computer, 20(1):55-65, January 1987
Kenneth S. Stevens, Shane V Robison, and Alan L. Davis.
The Post Office - Communication Support for Distributed
Ensemble Architectures.
In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on
Distributed Computing Systems, pp 160-166, May 1986.
Received the Best Paper award.
Kenneth S. Stevens.
``The Soft Controller: A Self-Timed Microsequencer for
Distributed Parallel Architectures''.
Master's Thesis, University of Utah, September 1984.
Kent F. Smith, Brent E. Nelson, and Kenneth S. Stevens.
``Student-Designed VLSI at the University of Utah''.
In IEEE 2nd CAD/CAM Educational Meeting, December 1983.
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