Numerical Electromagnetics -- Publications
For a complete list of Dr. Furse’s publications, conference presentations, and
patents: click here.
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S.S. Pattnaik, C.M. Furse, O.P. Gandhi, Comparison of
FDTD-Computed and Measured Radiation Patterns of Commercial Mobile Telephones
in Presence of the Human Head, IEEE
Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 46, No. 6, June 1998, pp.943-944
Tinniswood, C.M. Furse, O.P. Gandhi, Computations of
SAR Distributions or Two Anatomically-based Models of the Human Head using CAD
Files of Commercial Telephones and the Parallelized FDTD Code, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
Propagation, 1998, pp.829-833
Tinniswood, C.M. Furse, O.P. Gandhi, Power Deposition
in the Head and Neck of an Anatomically-Based Human Body Model for Plane Wave
Exposures, Physics Med. Biology, 43(8),
Aug. 1998, pp. 2361-2378
Furse, Q.S. Yu, O.P. Gandhi, Validation of the Finite-Difference Time-Domain
Method for Near Field Bioelectromagnetic Simulations
, Microwave and Optical Technology
Letters, Vol. 16, No.6, 1997, p. 341-345
Y.Cui, G.Lazzi, O.Gandhi, Use of PML Boundary Conditions for Wireless
Telephone Simulations, Microwave and
Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 15 No.2, 1997, pp. 95-98
G.Lazzi, C.Furse,
Electromagnetic Absorption in the Human Head and Neck for Mobile Telephones at
835 and 1900 MHz, IEEE Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques, Vol. 44, No. 10, Part 2, Oct. 1996, pp.
Furse, O.P. Gandhi, A Memory Efficient Method of Computing Specific Absorption
Rate in CW FDTD Simulations, IEEE
Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 43, No.5, May 1996, pp.
Furse, O.P. Gandhi, Why the DFT is Faster than the FFT for FDTD Time-to-Frequency
domain Conversions, IEEE Microwave Theory
and Guided Wave Letters, 5(10) October 1995, pp. 326-328
Furse, Craig Waterman, Lance Griffiths, To-Average or Not-to-Average in FDTD
Modeling of Dielectric Interfaces, ACES Journal , Vol:21
No:2 2006
Griffiths, Cynthia Furse, Performing 3-D FDTD simulations in less than 3 seconds
on a personal computer and its application to genetic algorithm antenna
optimization, Applied Computational
Electromagnetics Society Journal, Vol. 20, No. 2, July 2005, pp. 128-135
Furse, D.H. Roper, C.H. Durney, D.A. Christensen, Treatment of DC Offsets in
FDTD Simulations, IEEE Transactions on
Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 48, No. 8, October 2000, pp. 1198-1208
PAPER) C. Furse, Faster than Fourier-- Ultra-Efficient Time-to-Frequency Domain
Conversions for FDTD Simulations, Antennas
and Propagation Magazine, Vol. 42, No.6, Dec. 2000, pp. 24-34
Furse, O.P. Gandhi, Calculation of Electric Fields and Currents Induced in a
Millimeter-Resolution Human Model at 60 Hz Using the FDTD Method, Bioelectromagnetics
, Vol. 19 No. 5, 1998, pp.293-299
Gandhi, C.M. Furse, Currents Induced in the Human Body for Exposure to Ultrawideband Electromagnetic Pulses, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 39, No.2,
May 1997, pp. 174-180
O.P. Gandhi, R.A. Hart
, D. Wu , X.B. Chen, C.M. Furse, Comparison of endogenous with exogenous
electric fields and current densities induced in the human body by commonly
encountered EMF sources: Power lines, hair dryers, and hair clippers , Project abstracts: The Annual Review of
Research on Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Feilds
from the Generation, Delivery, and Use of Electricity, San Antonio, TX, Nov.
19-21, 1996, p. 26
Gandhi, C.M. Furse, Millimeter-resolution
C.M. Furse, J.-Y. Chen, O.P. Gandhi, Use of the Frequency-Dependent
Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Induced Current and SAR Calculations
for a Heterogeneous Model of the Human Body, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Vol. 36, No.
2,May 1994, pp.128-133
Chen, C.M. Furse, O.P. Gandhi, A Simple Convolution Procedure for Calculating Currents
Induced in the Human Body for Exposure to Electromagnetic Pulses, IEEE Transactions Microwave Theory and
Techniques, Vol. 42, No. 7, July 1994, pp. 1172-1175
C.M. Furse, J.-Y. Chen, O.P. Gandhi, Frequency-Dependent
Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method for Induced Current and SAR Calculations
for a Heterogeneous Model of the Human Body, Electricity and Magnetism in
Biology and Medicine, Martin Blank, Ed., San Francisco Press, 1993, pp.
Chen, C.M. Furse, O.P. Gandhi, Video Displays of Induced Current Distributions
for an Anatomically Based Model of the Human Body for Exposure to Short and Ultrashort Electromagnetic Pulses, Electricity and
Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, Martin Blank, Ed., San Francisco Press,
revised: August 2007
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Information Contact: Dr. Cynthia Furse