Antenna Design and Optimization --
For a complete list of Dr. Furse’s publications, conference presentations, and
patents: click here.
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Survey of Phased Arrays for Medical Applications, ACES
Journal, Special Issue on Phased Arrays , Vol. 21, No.3, Nov 2006,
Gandhi, C.M.Furse, G. Lazzi, Monopole Antennas
, Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering,
John Webster, editor, 2000; Reprinted in Wiley Encyclopedia of RF and
Microwave Engineering, 2003, Vol 4, pp. 3238-3244
O.P. Gandhi, G. Lazzi, Dipole Antennas , Wiley
Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, John Webster,
editor, 2000, 2006 (online); Reprinted in Wiley Encyclopedia of RF and
Microwave Engineering, 2003, Vol 2, pp. 1047-1052
Furse, G. Lazzi, O.P. Gandhi, Dipole, Monopole and Loop Antennas, Modern
Antennas, Constantine Balanis, editor, 2006
Antennas for Medical Applications, Antenna Engineering Handbook, John
Volakis, editor, 2006
Design of an Antenna for Pacemaker Communication, Microwaves and RF,
March 2000, p. 73-76
D.Johnson, C.Furse,
A.Tripp, FDTD Modeling and Validation of EM
Survey Tools, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters,
E.Cherkaev, C.Furse, A.Tripp, Cross-Borehole Delineation of a Conductive
C.Furse, A.Tripp, PML for
FDTD Modeling of a Conductive
PAPER) C.M. Furse, D.M. Johnson, A.C. Tripp, Application of the FDTD Method to
Geophysical Simulations, Applied
Computational Electromagnetics Society Newsletter, March 1999
Soontornpipit, Cynthia M. Furse, You Chung Chung, and
Bryan M. Lin, Optimization of a Buried Microstrip Antenna
for Simultaneous Communication and Sensing of Soil Moisture, IEEE
Trans. AP Special Issue on Antenna Applications, Volume 54, Issue 3, March 2006 Page(s):797 - 800
Ward, C. Swenson,C.Furse, The Impedance of a Short
Dipole Antenna in a Magnetized Plasma via a FDTD model, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Vol
53, No8, Aug 2005, pp. 2711-2718
For More
Information Contact: Dr. Cynthia Furse