MIMO Antenna Design and Optimization --
For a complete list of Dr. Furse’s
publications, conference presentations, and patents: click here.
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J. Nagel, A. Magleby, S. Ananthanarayanan,
C. Furse, “Measured Multi-User MIMO Capacity in Aircraft,” accepted to IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine
S. Ananthanarayanan, A. Magleby, C.
Furse, “Measurement and Modeling of Noise and Interference in
Aircraft System,” 2010 IEEE AP-S International Symposium on Antennas and
Propagation and 2010 USNC/CNC/URSI Meeting in Toronto, ON, Canada, July 11-17,
R. Sai A, James Nagel,Alyssa
Magleby and Dr.Cynthia Furse, “Wireless and Surface
Wave Communication for Aircraft Sensor Networks,” 2010 Aircraft Airworthiness
and Sustainment (AA&S) Conference, May 10-13, 2010, Austin, TX
J. Nagel, A. Magleby, S.
Ananthanarayanan, C. Furse, “Measured Multi-User MIMO Capacity in Aircraft,”
AMTA Symposium, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010
Alyssa Magleby, Cynthia Furse, Z. Q. Yun, “3D Ray
Tracing for Intravehicle MIMO,” IEEE /URSI Antennas
and Propagation Symposium, Charleston, SC, June 1-5, 2009
R. Sai A, Cynthia Furse, “Enabling Wireless Communication in Aircraft Using
Multiple Antenna Systems,” IEEE /URSI
Antennas and Propagation Symposium, Charleston, SC, June 1-5, 2009
R. Sai A, Alyssa Magleby, James R. Nagel, Cynthia Furse, “MIMO Wireless
Communication for Aircraft Sensors,” 12th Joint FAA/DOD/NASA Conference on
Aging Aircraft, Kansas City Convention Center, May 04 - May 07, 2009
Last revised:
August 2010
For More Information Contact: Dr. Cynthia Furse