General Information: |
Title: | ECE 5950/6950 - Designing Performance and Power Models for Communication Networks, Fall 2006 |
Instructor: | Ken Stevens,, MEB 4506, 585-9176 |
Classes: | Thu 2:00pm - 3:00pm, MEB 3259 |
Office Hours: | by appointment |
Web Page: | |
Prerequisites: | Instructor Approval |
Course Description: |
The purpose of this course is to improve your skills with regard to the practical aspects of constructing software. We will focus on the design and implementation of a software CAD for modeling the performance and power of communication networks.
Required Textbook:
None. However, you will definitely need a C++ book for reference.
Grading Policy: |
Disability: | If you have one that needs addressing contact the instructor immediately in the beginning of class. |
Add/Drop Policy: | The University is very strict on this, and we abide by their policy in this course. |
Incomplete Policy: | Due to the project nature of the class, you cannot get an incomplete unless you have a documented medical or legal emergency or military call. |
Homework | 40% |
Final Project | 60% |
However, the code that you write must be your own. Sharing code or using someone else's code is considered plagiarism and will be dealt with using standard College and University procedures.
Lectures: |
The following topics will be discussed