Technical Report Requirements

Computer Engineering Junior Seminar
ECE/CS 3991
Fall 2014

The goal of this requirement of the class is to develop communication and writing skills by creating a report with format and content that is suitable for publication. The report will be a summary and review of five published articles of your choice related to the field of Computer Engineering.

The requirements of the paper include:

  1. The document will be written in LaTeX. You will turn in the pdf file plus all the files that you used to generate the document as a tar file.
  2. A document will be formatted in the two-column IEEE standard for a conference or journal paper using the IEEE Conference class style files in the included web link.
  3. The report will have at least the following sections: Abstract, Introduction, Results, Conclusions, and Bibliography. The Results portion may have a different title and may be more than one section.
  4. The paper will include five references covering an area of your choice that is related to computer engineering. You will read these papers and your report will be based upon the content of these papers. The papers will be included in the bibliography of your article.
  5. The paper will be a survey paper or a detailed technical paper.
  6. The final report will be four to six pages in length.
  7. The paper will have at least two figures. The figures may be copied from the referenced papers, and if so they must be properly cited.
  8. Text in your report may not be copied or plagiarized from other sources. You will need to write the report in your own words even though the technical content is not original and is taken from referenced work.

The written document will be graded as follows:

Following paper requirements     35%
Technical Content15%
Writing quality10%

Paper Draft - 5 points (18% of final grade)

The draft should be a complete preliminary version of the paper, containing the title, abstract, introduction, body of the report, conclusions, and bibliography. It will be graded based on the scale above. However, it can be a shorter preliminary draft of the final paper, and may range from 2.5 to six pages in length.

Final Paper - 9 points (32% of final grade)

The final version of the paper will allow you to correct the errors in the draft version, improve your writing skills and style, and complete the full paper that must be from four to six pages in length.

This should be a mature article that you should be able to take to a boss at work, publish in a conference or journal. While it is not necessarily your personal work, it is representative of what you would produce based on your individual contribution to a technical problem or product.

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Last Modified: 09/02/2014 18:07:20