ECE/CS 3710 - Computer Design Lab
Project and Report Requirements
The goal of this aspect of the class is to document your work in a way
that is suitable for publication or public presentation. The final
documents should look like an IEEE conference or journal paper or
presentation. Duplication of work should be avoided! The proposal
and reports should build upon each other incrementally until the final
report is done. This reporting is not a substitute for a good
lab notebook.
Project Proposal - 5 points:
A pdf proposal not exceeding two pages
that outlines your project, including:
- Topic and team members
- Short (3-4 sentence) abstract
- Introduction and motivation of the project.
- Scope of the project, design approach, and estimate of design size
- Estimated tasks and milestones with completion dates.
This should be an incremental build of your final report that includes
the abstract, introduction, and background. Your final report will
include technical details of the implementation and design, as well as
results that include tables and figures and the additional details
listed below.
Midterm Proposal Presentation - 5 points:
A 10-12 minute pdf or powerpoint
presentation to the class covering your project proposal.
- This should include the topics in the written report.
- No need to discuss the CR16 design - you should document that
as part of the check points in class.
- Cover the extensions to the base architecture you plan on
implementing and how they are advantageous to your particular
- The main focus will be your particular project and how you
will support it with the CR16 architecture.
- Include images and pictures - make the presentation
informative and interesting.
Each individual should participate in the presentation and proposal in
some form. While it would be nice to have each individual present
some of the foils in class, this is not necessary and is left to the
discretion of the team.
Final Report - 20 points:
You will hand in a written report (12 points) and create a poster
and live working demonstration of your project (8 points) at the end
of the semester. The final design review should contain a complete
description of the project in the format for the Design Automation Conference design
contest or article. This should be a compendium of the work in the
proposal, including:
- Topic and team members
- Short (3-4 sentence) abstract
- Introduction and motivation of the project.
- Block level design and description of the project. Include
pertinent information such as instruction set, algorithms,
protocols, etc.
- Simulated results of your design project, including area,
performance and power of the design.
- Conclusions and lessons learned in this project.
- Bibliography and/or acknowledgments as appropriate.
Presentations and written documents will be graded as follows:
Technical Content | 50%
Organization | 10%
Clarity | 20%
Conciseness | 10%
Writing and Presentation quality | 10%
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