ECE 3600
Introduction to Electric Power Engineering
Fall 2018


Warnock Engineering Building (WEB) room L120

To request a permission code to add this class,
please go to:

No labs before the first class

Fall 2017 website available here
Electric Machinery and Power System Fundamentals by Stephen Chapman
ISBN-10: 0072291354,   long ISBN-13: 978-0072291353
The international edition is much cheaper (about $50 shipped) and fine for this class.  Order it online.
(Available for <$50 online)

Lecture:  T, H, 2:00 - 3:05 am in WEB  2250
Problem sessions:  T, H, 3:05 - 3:20 am in WEB  2250
3 credit hours 
Instructor: Arn Stolp (Arn rarely reads his email)
Office: MEB 2262 

Much of this course material is presented in PDF, for which you will need a reader.

Readers for most platforms can be downloaded for free, examples: Adobe Acrobat and Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview.
Choose the Adobe Acrobat if you just want to read.  Choose Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview if you want to create PDF files of your own.
Course Syllabus, pdf

College of Engineering Guidelines

Tentative Class Schedule, pdf

ECE3600 Calendar, pdf

Handy Semester Calendar, pdf

Homework Assignments & Notes


Juno the dog

ECE 3600 is NOT a web-based class.  The material available here is NOT a substitute for attending class and is NOT necessarily up-to-date or exactly reflective of what is given in class or is in the required class copy packet.  Please do not use it in that way.  This material is merely an extra resource for an ATTENDANCE-based class. 

Much of this course material is presented in PDF, for which you will need a reader.

Readers for most platforms can be downloaded for free, examples: Adobe Acrobat and Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview.   Choose the Adobe Acrobat if you just want to read.  Choose Ghostscript, Ghostview and GSview if you want to create PDF files of your own.

To view and print PDF files more reliably:
Save the file on your computer (right click on link), then open and/or print the local file only.
If you're still having trouble printing or reading pdf files, please email me with specifics. (Arn rarely reads his email)

The "Knack"
The tragic "Knack"