Unit 1                                                             

1270                                                      PRACTICE EXAM                                                             


1.      a. (5 points)


         Calculate v1.





         b. (5 points)


         Calculate i1.


2.      (30 points)


         Derive an expression for i3. The expression must not contain more than the circuit parameters Va, Vb, ia, R1, R2, and R3.





3.      (30 points)


         a.   Derive an expression for i2. The expression must not contain more than the circuit parameters §, Va, ia, R1, and R2.




       b.     Make at least one consistency check (other than a units check) on your expression. Explain the consistency check clearly.


4.      (30 points)


         The op amp operates in the linear mode. Using an appropriate model of the op amp, derive an expression for vo in terms of not more than is, R1, R2, and R3.