ECE 6130 / 5930
Midterm II
April 23, 1999
Name ___________________________________
You may use your calculator and portfolio, but no textbook.
Mode |
Fc (GHz) |
The 2nd mode is: TE_____ The 3rd mode is: TE ______.
Ex =
Ez =
c. A transmission line (NOT necessarily a waveguide) is carrying a wave in the x-direction. THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM THE z-direction you have worked with throughout this course. Mark an "X" in the box of each field component that could exist in each of the following modes:
Field Component |
TE |
TM |
Ex |
Ey |
Ez |
Hx |
Hy |
Hint: Remember that you can always add a length of line on the ends of the filter without changing its response. You may have to do this more than once. When you do, please indicate.
Hint: the S-parameters for the Quadrature Coupler are
ECE 6130 / 5930 Midterm II
Name ___________________________________________
Problem 1 _______ / 33 points
Problem 2 _______ / 33 points
Problem 3 _______ / 33 points
Total _______ / 100 points