ECE 540 Midterm I
January 23, 1998
Name ______________________
Open Notes, Open Book.
Plot the envelope of the standing wave on the line as a function of z. Clearly show the locations of the voltage minima and maxima, and their relative heights.
(d) Given Vg = 10.0 sin (w t) Volts, write expressions for Vo+ and Vo-
(b) Plot the current at the load as a function of time for 4 m s.
Information about RG 58 coaxial line: a = 0.89 mm, b = 3.53 mm, filled with polyethylene with e r = 2.26, loss tangent = 0.00031 . [e '' = e o e r * losstan]. Conductors are made of copper.
Ey = K a sin (mp x / a)
Hx = - Ey b / (w m )
(K is a constant.)
Write the integral equations to find R,L,G,C for this transmission line.
Name ________________________________
Problem 1 ___________ / 25 points
Problem 2 ___________ / 25 points
Problem 3 ___________ / 25 points
Problem 4 ___________ / 25 points
Total ___________ / 100 points