ECE 6180 Midterm I (Transmission Lines) Feb. 15, 2002
Name _____________________________
You may use your portfolio and calculator. No textbooks.
1. (33 points) Double Stub matching networks
Design a double stub matching network to connect a load that is 10-j15 ohms to a 50 ohm line. Use 50-ohm short-circuited parallel stubs. The distance between the load and first stub is 0.1wavelengths. The length of 50-ohm line between the stubs is 0.125 wavelengths. Sketch your final design, labeling all lengths.
2. (33 points) L matching
3. (33 points) S Parameters
Specify the S-matrix for an LC filter in series with a quarter-wave transformer as shown. You may use any method. It is not necessary to compute the values of the S-matrix, but show how to do all necessary computations.
ECE 6180 Midterm I
Name ___________________________
Problem 1 ________ / 33 points
Problem 2 ________ / 33 points
Problem 3 ________ / 33 points
+ 1 point
Total ________ / 100 points