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5320/6322 Microwave I
Welcome to the Microwave Web site!
Fall 2006
Cynthia Furse |
Syllabus & |
(due Wed |
And TA contact information |
Lab Grades: |
Mania Day at the U! Oct 27
On Oct 27, we will be hosting not one but TWO Distinguished Lecturers
from the IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society. This is a great opportunity to rub shoulders
with giants and learn from these very experienced microwave engineers. These lectures WILL count for make up
credit. For details click here.
What Classes
should I take next semester?
See: Other EM Courses for online advising.
Aids for
this Class
Make Up
Credit for missing homework assignments
Make Up Credit can be used if you forget to turn in a portfolio, if you just don’t do it, if you don’t want to attend the required class after Thanksgiving, etc. These can be used to give you a maximum of 100% on your portfolios. Makeup credit assignment can be turned in to the HW box through the last day of class.
Application Tutorial:
Make Up Credit (for 2 days’ portfolios) will be given for a 1-page (single spaced, 1.5”margins, 12 point font) tutorial on an EM application and how basic EM principles apply to that application. Turn in to the HW box with a cover sheet indicating this is a makeup credit for 2 days portfolios.