Procedure for
printing individual plots on xfdtd406:
NOTE: This procedure can be used for other programs, too, such as HP ADS, iSIGHT, Matlab, etc.
A. From a PC:
If you telnet (or ssh) to the sun lab from a PC, you can use the PC’s screen capture tools, and easily cut and paste into Word, Power Point, etc.
1) Run the program until the figure you want to copy appears. Click on the window the figure is in, to make that the current window. Click Alt-Print Scrn (hold the Alt key while you click the Print Scrn key, typically in the upper right hand area of the keyboard). This has copied the entire window with your figure in it to your clipboard.
2) Put the cursor where you want the picture to be stored (in a word or power point file, for instance). Type ctrl-v (or Edit-Paste) to paste the figure.
3) If you want only a part of the figure, copy it to paint, adobe, etc. and cut the part you want, and paste that in your document.
B. In the SUN Lab:
1) First, getting into xfdtd, you need to open up the program in the background. This is done by typing xfdtd406& at the terminal prompt. The reason for doing this is because you’ll need to open multiple applications. Another option would be simply opening up additional terminal for each running program. Either way should give the same result.
2) Next, run your xfdtd simulation until the desired plot is visible from the program window. You may choose to view individual plots or stop the normal simulation on the plot of your choice.
3) Go back to the terminal prompt (or open new terminal) and type xv . Xv is a capture application that will basicallymake a copy of your plot.
4) On the xv window, right click to open a new window with user options. In the lower right hand corner there will be a button with Grab written across it. Click on it.
5) A new window should appear. In the first box you should see: Delay:_0_seconds. Change that to say 15 seconds (it is not required to use 15 seconds if you think you can do the next step in less time).
6) Now, click on the button that reads Auto Grab. That starts the timer counting down from th time that you inputted (15 seconds for this example). Quickly go back to the xfdtd program and place your plot in full screen. This can be done by either pressing Control-F or by going to the View menu and selecting Full Screen Mode
Note: Changing background color to white will save toner
7) After the time has elapsed, you will hear two distinct beeps. That means that the plot has been copied. Right clicking on the screen will give you the option of returning to the normal program. This is done by selecting quit.
8) You may return to the xv screen and your plot should be displayed. If not, something was done wrong, and you’ll need to try again.
9) Last of all, you’ll need to save your file. Going back to the xv user options window, click on save. A new window will open up with different save optiosn. If you go to the format button, you can select to save the plot as a jpeg file, postscript, etc. Make sure that you name the file by typing the file name at the save file: prompt. Make sure extensions are saved. *.gif works well.
10) Congratulations! You are done.
The shft-prtscreen and alt-prtscreen commands work here, too, I think… when someone has the details, please email Dr. Furse!
C. To print Sunlab files in PC Lab:
1) Create file to print.
2) FTP to sunlab ex. (or use a diskette to transfer)
3) Use binary file transfer for *.jpg or *.gif files. Use ascii transfer for postscript (ps ) files
4) To print *.jpg or *.gif files , open almost any viewer (ie netscape). This will show the file, and then use the FILE button (then push print).
5) To print *.ps, ask a lab consultant how to “capture printer port” (for instance LPT1) This finds out what port the printer you want is on. Go to an MSDOS prompt, and “copy filename LPT1”.