Title:  “Tutorial” on how to search Compendex



  1. Go to this website:          http://www.lib.utah.edu/
  2. Click on :                      Article Databases & More
  3. Under the “Science and Technology” choose “ Engineering”
  4. Click on :   Compendex (EI)
  5. Type in the keywords that you are looking for
  6. Click “Search” and you will find what you are looking for..
  7. For a lot of my articles are through IEEE, so, I go to IEEE website:  http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/DynWel.jsp then go to “antenna and propagation  society” in my case, and search the articles that I want.
  8. Or, there are a lot of journals and articles in the library that you can check out.