How to Save Layout as HPGL file to interface to the CircuitCam Software.




1.       When you finish all your micro-strip-line circuit design in a Schematic Window, click on Generate/Update Layout under Layout menu.

2.       Click on “OK” on Generate/Update Layout window.

3.       Click on “OK” on Status of Layout Generation window.

4.       Verify some/all the length of strip lines using Measure under Draw menu.

5.       To measure a distance from one point to another with Measure, click on one point and move the cross (X-Y) mark to another point. (At this point the Measure window will show the distance measured in mm.)


6.       Click on Measure under Draw menu. A window comes up on which measured distance will be displayed.  Move the cursor into the layout window (it will show up as X-Y axis) and click on the leftmost point of the layout (will be a port and looks like a blue box), and then go over and click on the rightmost point of the layout (another port).  The Measure window will show the distance measured in mm.  Note this down. Click Clear on the Measure window and now measure the height of your layout (from the topmost point to the bottom most point).


7.       Draw outer layer: Zoom out until the whole circuit can be seen in the layout window with extra space on all sides.  Use poly-line, one of the draw buttons at the top of the layout window, to draw a rectangle around the circuit you have designed.  The dimensions of the rectangle are 50 mm high by 80 mm wide.  Use the coordinates on the bottom of the window to help attain the necessary dimensions.  To complete the rectangle, double click at the last corner.  The rectangle should turn red.  If whole circuit is not within the rectangle, you will need to use a larger one.  For class projects these dimensions will be specified.  Choose View, View Area.  The view will change to be just outside the sides of the rectangle.  Delete the rectangle from the layout window by selecting it and deleting it.  This procedure is performed to attain a uniform scaling factor when the milling is performed. (Measure dimension of outer layer.)


8.       Draw a rough sketch of your layout and label the dimensions that were measured in step 6 & 7 submit this sketch with your layout file. (including the distance from the leftmost to the rightmost, and from topmost to the bottom most in step 6 & 7.)


9.       Click on Export under File menu in the Layout window.  The Export window comes up.  In the options, Choose HPGL/2.  Then click on More Option, and click on Define Layers in Export HPGL/2 Options window. A Layer Editor Window comes up.  In the Layers box click on "ports", and then next to it DESELECT the two options Visible and Protected.  Then in layers box, successively, click "silk_screen", "silk_screen2", and "case_dimensions" and DESELECT Visible and Protected for them too.  Click Apply,     and then click OK.  You will be back in the Export window.  Enter a file name in the filename (recommended file name: yourlastname_nameofcircuit, ex.: chung_3dbcoupler) box and click OK.


10.   Your file will now be in your project directory.  Transfer it on a floppy.


11.   To use a floppy in the SunLab.

a.  Insert floppy in floppy drive.

            b.  Type volcheck on a terminal window and press Enter.

c.  Change directories so that you are in the project directory, where you were working.  (ex. cd ads/brcouple_prj)

d.  Use copy command to transfer your saved layout file (*.hpg) to the floppy. (ex. cp name_of_file.hpg /floppy/floppy0 (where /floppy/floppy0 is equivalent to a:  in windows)

e.       Type eject at the terminal window to remove the floppy.