University of Utah

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

ECE 3900 Junior Seminar Spring 2017



Professor Marc Bodson


MEB 3230, Tel.: 581-8590



F 12:55PM-1:45PM, WEB 1230

Class web page: (includes the seminar schedule and updates)

College guidelines:


1) Present information regarding the senior projects, including requirements, project planning, and the Clinics program.

2) Discuss options available after graduation, including assistance from Career Services and graduate studies.

3) Expand the students awareness of contemporary issues in electrical and computer engineering.


1) Attend all but two seminars, and sign the attendance sheet in class.

2) Be on time, polite, and attentive for all presenters.

3) Attend and submit a report on the technical open house.

4) Complete other tasks that may be added at the discretion of the instructor.


The record of attendance will be posted on Canvas. Students are encouraged to track it on a regular basis. Although two absences are allowed, it is strongly recommended that students attend all seminars.

Being on time means arriving by 12:50pm, but no later than 12:55pm. Arrival between 12:55pm and 1:10pm will be considered a late arrival. Late arrival for one seminar will not be penalized, but late arrival for two seminars will be counted as one absence (on Canvas, 1pt=present, 0pt=absent, and 0.5pt=late).

Attendance means staying until the end of the class. It is courteous to stay until the end of the meeting even if the speaker runs over time. However, students that need to go to another class or appointment are excused at 1:45pm.

Cell phone use should be limited to emergencies and critical communications. Laptop use should be limited to searches on topics related to the presentation.

Technical Open

House report

Watch at least 4 presentations at the Technical Open House, and more if possible.

For each, evaluate the: 1) Project concept and planning, 2) Project execution, 3) Quality of presentation.

Write a one-page summary with your name, the titles of the 4 presentations and, along the 3 evaluation dimensions, your observations regarding the positive strategies that you will try to adopt for your own senior project, and the mistakes that you will try to avoid.

Send your report to by the deadline posted on the class web page. Please use the file naming convention: lastname_firstname_TOC_report.


According to University policy

"A University assigned student email account shall be the University's official means of communication with all University of Utah students. The University reserves the right to send official communications to students by email with the full expectation that students will receive email and read these emails in a timely fashion."


CR/NC grading based on attendance, the TOC report, and possible additional tasks to be determined. Credit for attendance may be reduced in case of late arrival, early departure, inattentiveness, or lack of courtesy to the speakers.


Students must give a fair and accurate indication of their attendance. Any form of cheating will result in an "E" grade (cheating includes leaving the room after signing up and having someone else sign-up).